Centralized STAR 6-Gold Assessments
The BC Coast Region is responsible for conducting assessments at the STAR 6-Gold levels at centralized assessment days. Skaters throughout the BC Coast Region travel to designated host clubs in the Lower Mainland for assessment on scheduled dates; typically, four centralized assessment days are held throughout the year.
Registration for centralized assessments is done online. Registration and payment must be completed by the posted deadline. According to Skate Canada rules, once an application is accepted and processed by the due date, money cannot be refunded. A missed assessment is recorded as a retry.
The BC/YK Section is currently coordinating assessments for STAR 6 to Gold Freeskate, Skills, Dance and Artistic. Clubs should contact the BC/YK Section to schedule a virtual or in-person session.
More about Skate Canada Assessments
The Skate Canada STAR program consists of STAR assessments, STAR competition categories and supplementary events.
Detailed information about STAR assessments is posted on the Skate Canada - STAR Assessments webpage.
Detailed information regarding STAR assessments as related to competitions is posted on the Competition Program Requirements – STAR webpage..
STAR 1-5 assessments are coach assessed and include Skills, Freeskate, Artistic and Dance.
STAR 6-Gold assessments for Skills may be coach assessed or Evaluator assessed.
STAR 6-Gold assessments for Freeskate, Dance and Artistic are Evaluator assessed.
Skills assessments consist of Edges, Turns, exercises and field moves.
Freeskate assessments are divided into two parts: elements and programs.. STAR 1-5 Freeskate assessments are coach assessed on Club sessions.
Dance at STAR 2 – Gold consists of pattern dances, dance Step assessments and a Gold Rhythm Dance. Pattern dances are the skating of prescribed Steps on patterns to music, the type and Tempo for which is defined. These dances may be performed solo, shadow or with a partner.
Artistic assessments consist of a program skated to music with required program content.